乔国永 发表于 2013-9-15 12:41

纳兰容若诗二首 (双语诗歌:纳兰容若/诗 乔国永/译)

Live Like Trees
I have just learned you through hearsay before.Dandelions can’t fly Unless having the aid of outside force.I always live like trees To keep inner butterflies and storms ,Struggling but without any trace.I also ,like trees, bury myself In widening the breath of mindAnd adhere to the yearning for the skyWith a humble attitude.



I want you to close your heart,No one making ripples;Want you to be quiet like moonlight,To comfort fiery horses and the surging waves.I want your open eyes To hold all the beauty in this world.I want you To be a piece of light in my body.If darkness is doomed to be the end result.

杨鸣 发表于 2013-9-16 19:25


小龟 发表于 2013-9-27 15:18

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查看完整版本: 纳兰容若诗二首 (双语诗歌:纳兰容若/诗 乔国永/译)